
1 Code

1.1 TU Matrices

Definition 1 TU matrix

A rational matrix is totally unimodular (TU) if its every subdeterminant (i.e., determinant of every square submatrix) is \(0\) or \(\pm 1\).

Lemma 2 entries of a TU matrix

If \(A\) is TU, then every entry of \(A\) is \(0\) or \(\pm 1\).

Proof sketch

Every entry is a square submatrix of size \(1\), and therefore has determinant (and value) \(0\) or \(\pm 1\).

Lemma 3 any submatrix of a TU matrix is TU

Let \(A\) be a rational matrix that is TU and let \(B\) be a submatrix of \(A\). Then \(B\) is TU.

Proof sketch

Any square submatrix of \(B\) is a submatrix of \(A\), so its determinant is \(0\) or \(\pm 1\). Thus, \(B\) is TU.

Lemma 4 transpose of TU is TU

Let \(A\) be a TU matrix. Then \(A^{T}\) is TU.

Proof sketch

A submatrix \(T\) of \(A^{T}\) is a transpose of a submatrix of \(A\), so \(\det T \in \{ 0, \pm 1\} \).

Lemma 5 appending zero vector to TU

Let \(A\) be a matrix. Let \(a\) be a zero row. Then \(C = \left[ A / a \right]\) is TU exactly when \(A\) is.

Proof sketch

Let \(T\) be a square submatrix of \(C\), and suppose \(A\) is TU. If \(T\) contains a zero row, then \(\det T = 0\). Otherwise \(T\) is a submatrix of \(A\), so \(\det T \in \{ 0, \pm 1\} \). For the other direction, because \(A\) is a submatrix of \(C\), we can apply lemma 3.

Lemma 6 appending unit vector to TU

Let \(A\) be a matrix. Let \(a\) be a unit row. Then \(C = \left[ A / a \right]\) is TU exactly when \(A\) is.

Proof sketch

Let \(T\) be a square submatrix of \(C\), and suppose \(A\) is TU. If \(T\) contains the \(\pm 1\) entry of the unit row, then \(\det T\) equals the determinant of some submatrix of \(A\) times \(\pm 1\), so \(\det T \in \{ 0, \pm 1\} \). If \(T\) contains some entries of the unit row except the \(\pm 1\), then \(\det T = 0\). Otherwise \(T\) is a submatrix of \(A\), so \(\det T \in \{ 0, \pm 1\} \). For the other direction, simply note that \(A\) is a submatrix of \(C\), and use lemma 3.

\(A\) is TU iff every basis matrix of \(\left[ I \mid A \right]\) has determinant \(\pm 1\).

Proof sketch

Gaussian elimination. Basis submatrix: its columns form a basis of all columns, its rows form a basis of all rows.

Lemma 8 block-diagonal matrix with TU blocks is TU

Let \(A\) be a matrix of the form





where \(A_{1}\) and \(A_{2}\) are both TU. Then \(A\) is also TU.

Proof sketch

Any square submatrix \(T\) of \(A\) has the form





where \(T_{1}\) and \(T_{2}\) are submatrices of \(A_{1}\) and \(A_{2}\), respectively.

  • If \(T_{1}\) is square, then \(T_{2}\) is also square, and \(\det T = \det T_{1} \cdot \det T_{2} \in \{ 0, \pm 1\} \).

  • If \(T_{1}\) has more rows than columns, then the rows of \(T\) containing \(T_{1}\) are linearly dependent, so \(\det T = 0\).

  • Similar if \(T_{1}\) has more columns than rows.

Lemma 9 appending parallel element to TU

Let \(A\) be a TU matrix. Let \(a\) be some row of \(A\). Then \(C = \left[ A / a \right]\) is TU.

Proof sketch

Let \(T\) be a square submatrix of \(C\). If \(T\) contains the same row twice, then the rows are \(\mathbb {Z}_2\)-dependent, so \(\det T = 0\). Otherwise \(T\) is a submatrix of \(A\), so \(\det T \in \{ 0, \pm 1\} \).

Lemma 10 appending rows to TU

Let \(A\) be a TU matrix. Let \(B\) be a matrix whose every row is a row of \(A\), a zero row, or a unit row. Then \(C = \left[ A / B \right]\) is TU.

Proof sketch

Either repeatedly apply Lemmas 5, 6, and 9 or perform a similar case analysis directly.

Corollary 11 appending columns to TU

Let \(A\) be a TU matrix. Let \(B\) be a matrix whose every column is a column of \(A\), a zero column, or a unit column. Then \(C = \left[ A \mid B \right]\) is TU.

Proof sketch

\(C^{T}\) is TU by Lemma 10 and construction, so \(C\) is TU by Lemma 4.

Definition 12 \(\mathcal{F}\)-pivot

Let \(A\) be a matrix over a field \(\mathcal{F}\) with row index set \(X\) and column index set \(Y\). Let \(A_{xy}\) be a nonzero element. The result of a \(\mathcal{F}\)-pivot of \(A\) on the pivot element \(A_{xy}\) is the matrix \(A'\) over \(\mathcal{F}\) with row index set \(X'\) and column index set \(Y'\) defined as follows.

  • For every \(u \in X - x\) and \(w \in Y - y\), let \(A_{uw}' = A_{uw} + (A_{uy} \cdot A_{xw}) / (-A_{xy})\).

  • Let \(A_{xy}' = -A_{xy}\), \(X' = X - x + y\), and \(Y' = Y - y + x\).

Lemma 13 pivoting preserves TUness

Let \(A\) be a TU matrix and let \(A_{xy}\) be a nonzero element. Let \(A'\) be the matrix obtained by performing a real pivot in \(A\) on \(A_{xy}\). Then \(A'\) is TU.

Proof sketch
  • By Lemma 7 \(A\) is TU iff every basis matrix of \(\left[ I \mid A \right]\) has determinant \(\pm 1\). The same holds for \(A'\) and \(\left[ I \mid A' \right]\).

  • Determinants of the basis matrices are preserved under elementary row operations in \(\left[ I \mid A \right]\) corresponding to the pivot in \(A\), under scaling by \(\pm 1\) factors, and under column exchange, all of which together convert \(\left[ I \mid A \right]\) to \(\left[ I \mid A' \right]\).

Lemma 14 pivoting preserves TUness

Let \(A\) be a matrix and let \(A_{xy}\) be a nonzero element. Let \(A'\) be the matrix obtained by performing a real pivot in \(A\) on \(A_{xy}\). If \(A'\) is TU, then \(A\) is TU.

Proof sketch

Reverse the row operations, scaling, and column exchange in the proof of Lemma 13.

1.1.1 Minimal Violation Matrices

Definition 15 minimal violation matrix

Let \(A\) be a rational \(\{ 0, \pm 1\} \) matrix that is not TU but all of whose proper submatrices are TU. Then \(A\) is called a minimal violation matrix of total unimodularity (minimal violation matrix).

Lemma 16 simple properties of MVMs

Let \(A\) be a minimal violation matrix.

  • \(A\) is square.

  • \(\det A \notin \{ 0, \pm 1\} \).

  • If \(A\) is \(2 \times 2\), then \(A\) does not contain a \(0\).

Proof sketch
  • If \(A\) is not square, then since all its proper submatrices are TU, \(A\) is TU, contradiction.

  • If \(\det A \in \{ 0, \pm 1\} \), then all subdeterminants of \(A\) are \(0\) or \(\pm 1\), so \(A\) is TU, contradiction.

  • If \(A\) is \(2 \times 2\) and it contains a \(0\), then \(\det A \in \{ \pm 1\} \), which contradicts the previous item.

Let \(A\) be a minimal violation matrix. Suppose \(A\) has \(\geq 3\) rows. Suppose we perform a real pivot in \(A\), then delete the pivot row and column. Then the resulting matrix \(A'\) is also a minimal violation matrix.

Proof sketch
  • Let \(A''\) denote matrix \(A\) after the pivot, but before the pivot row and column are deleted.

  • Since \(A\) is not TU, Lemma 14 implies that \(A''\) is not TU. Thus \(A'\) is not TU by Lemma 8.

  • Let \(T'\) be a proper square submatrix of \(A'\). Let \(T''\) be the submatrix of \(A''\) consisting of \(T'\) plus the pivot row and the pivot column, and let \(T\) be the corresponding submatrix of \(A\) (defined by the same row and column indices as \(T''\)).

  • \(T\) is TU as a proper submatrix of \(A\). Then Lemma 13 implies that \(T''\) is TU. Thus \(T'\) is TU by Lemma 3.

1.2 Matroid Definitions

Definition 18 binary matroid

Let \(B\) be a binary matrix, let \(A = \left[ I \mid B \right]\), and let \(E\) denote the column index set of \(A\). Let \(\mathcal{I}\) be all index subsets \(Z \subseteq E\) such that the columns of \(A\) indexed by \(Z\) are independent over \(\mathbb {Z}_2\). Then \(M = \left(E, \mathcal{I}\right)\) is called a binary matroid and \(B\) is called its (standard) representation matrix.

Definition 19 regular matroid

Let \(M\) be a binary matroid generated from a standard representation matrix \(B\). Suppose \(B\) has a TU signing, i.e., there exists a rational matrix \(A\) such that:

  • \(A\) is a signed version of \(B\), i.e., \(\left| A \right| = B\),

  • \(A\) is totally unimodular.

Then \(M\) is called a regular matroid.

Lemma 20 regularity is ignostic of representation

todo: add

1.3 \(k\)-Separation and \(k\)-Connectivity

Definition 21 \(k\)-separation

Let \(M\) be a binary matroid generated by a standard representation matrix \(B\). Suppose that \(B\) is partitioned as













where \(X_{1} \sqcup X_{2}\) is a partition of the rows of \(B\) and \(Y_{1} \sqcup Y_{2}\) is a partition of its columns. Let \(k \in \mathbb {Z}_{\geq 1}\) and suppose that

  • \(\left| X_{1} \cup Y_{1} \right| \geq k\) and \(\left| X_{2} \cup Y_{2} \right| \geq k\),

  • \(\mathbb {Z}_2\text{-rank } D_{1} + \mathbb {Z}_2\text{-rank } D_{2} \leq k - 1\).

Then \(\left( X_{1} \cup Y_{1}, X_{2} \cup Y_{2} \right)\) is called a (Tutte) \(k\)-separation of \(B\) and \(M\).

Definition 22 exact \(k\)-separation

A \(k\)-separation is called exact if the rank condition holds with equality.

Definition 23 \(k\)-separability

We say that \(B\) and \(M\) are (exactly) (Tutte) \(k\)-separable if they have an (exact) \(k\)-separation.

Definition 24 \(k\)-connectivity

For \(k \ge 2\), \(M\) and \(B\) are (Tutte) \(k\)-connected if they have no \(\ell \)-separation for \(1 \leq \ell {\lt} k\). When \(M\) and \(B\) are \(2\)-connected, they are also called connected.

1.4 Sums

1.4.1 \(1\)-Sums

Definition 25 \(1\)-sum of matrices

Let \(B\) be a matrix that can be represented as










Then we say that \(B_{1}\) and \(B_{2}\) are the two components of a \(1\)-sum decomposition of \(B\).

Conversely, a \(1\)-sum composition with components \(B_{1}\) and \(B_{2}\) is the matrix \(B\) above.

The expression \(B = B_{1} \oplus _{1} B_{2}\) means either process.

Definition 26 matroid \(1\)-sum

Let \(M\) be a binary matroid with a representation matrix \(B\). Suppose that \(B\) can be partitioned as in Definition 25 with non-zero blocks \(B_{1}\) and \(B_{2}\). Then the binary matroids \(M_{1}\) and \(M_{2}\) represented by \(B_{1}\) and \(B_{2}\), respectively, are the two components of a \(1\)-sum decomposition of \(M\).

Conversely, a \(1\)-sum composition with components \(M_{1}\) and \(M_{2}\) is the matroid \(M\) defined by the corresponding representation matrix \(B\).

The expression \(M = M_{1} \oplus _{1} M_{2}\) means either process.

Lemma 27 \(1\)-sum is commutative

todo: add

Theorem 28 \(1\)-sum of regular matroids is regular

Let \(M_{1}\) and \(M_{2}\) be regular matroids. Then \(M = M_{1} \oplus _{1} M_{2}\) is a regular matroid.

Conversely, if a regular matroid \(M\) can be decomposed as a \(1\)-sum \(M = M_{1} \oplus _{1} M_{2}\), then \(M_{1}\) and \(M_{2}\) are both regular.

Proof sketch

todo: extract into lemmas about TU matrices Let \(B\), \(B_{1}\), and \(B_{2}\) be the representation matrices of \(M\), \(M_{1}\), and \(M_{2}\), respectively.

  • Converse direction. Let \(B'\) be a TU signing of \(B\). Let \(B_{1}'\) and \(B_{2}'\) be signings of \(B_{1}\) and \(B_{2}\), respectively, obtained from \(B\). By Lemma 3, \(B_{1}'\) and \(B_{2}'\) are both TU, so \(M_{1}\) and \(M_{2}\) are both regular.

  • Forward direction. Let \(B_{1}'\) and \(B_{2}'\) be TU signings of \(B_{1}\) and \(B_{2}\), respectively. Let \(B'\) be the corresponding signing of \(B\). By Lemma 8, \(B'\) is TU, so \(M\) is regular.

Lemma 29 left summand of regular \(1\)-sum is regular

todo: add

Lemma 30 right summand of regular \(1\)-sum is regular

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1.4.2 \(2\)-Sums

Definition 31 \(2\)-sum of matrices

Let \(B\) be a matrix of the form










Let \(B_{1}\) be a matrix of the form







Let \(B_{2}\) be a matrix of the form







Suppose that \(\mathbb {Z}_2\text{-rank } D = 1\), \(x \neq 0\), \(y \neq 0\), \(D = y \cdot x\) (outer product).

Then we say that \(B_{1}\) and \(B_{2}\) are the two components of a \(2\)-sum decomposition of \(B\).

Conversely, a \(2\)-sum composition with components \(B_{1}\) and \(B_{2}\) is the matrix \(B\) above.

The expression \(B = B_{1} \oplus _{2} B_{2}\) means either process.

Definition 32 matroid \(2\)-sum

Let \(M\) be a binary matroid with a representation matrix \(B\). Suppose \(B\), \(B_{1}\), and \(B_{2}\) satisfy the assumptions of Definition 31. Then the binary matroids \(M_{1}\) and \(M_{2}\) represented by \(B_{1}\) and \(B_{2}\), respectively, are the two components of a \(2\)-sum decomposition of \(M\).

Conversely, a \(2\)-sum composition with components \(M_{1}\) and \(M_{2}\) is the matroid \(M\) defined by the corresponding representation matrix \(B\).

The expression \(M = M_{1} \oplus _{2} M_{2}\) means either process.

Lemma 33 \(2\)-sum of TU matrices is a TU matrix

Let \(B_{1}\) and \(B_{2}\) be TU matrices. Then \(B = B_{1} \oplus _{2} B_{2}\) is a TU matrix.

Proof sketch

Let \(B_{1}'\) and \(B_{2}'\) be TU signings of \(B_{1}\) and \(B_{2}\), respectively. In particular, let \(A_{1}'\), \(x'\), \(A_{2}'\), and \(y'\) be the signed versions of \(A_{1}\), \(x\), \(A_{2}\), and \(y\), respectively. Let \(B'\) be the signing of \(B\) where the blocks of \(A_{1}\) and \(A_{2}\) are signed as \(A_{1}'\) and \(A_{2}'\), respectively, and the block of \(D\) is signed as \(D' = y' \cdot x'\) (outer product).

Note that \(\left[ A_{1}' / D' \right]\) is TU by Lemma 10, as every row of \(D'\) is either zero or a copy of \(x'\). Similarly, \(\left[D' \mid A_{2}' \right]\) is TU by Corollary 11, as every column of \(D'\) is either zero or a copy of \(y'\). Additionally, \(\left[ A_{1}' \mid 0 \right]\) is TU by Corollary 11, and \(\left[ 0 / A_{2}' \right]\) is TU by Lemma 10.

todo: prove lemma below, separate into statement about TU matrices

Lemma: Let \(T\) be a square submatrix of \(B'\). Then \(\det T \in \{ 0, \pm 1\} \).

Proof: Induction on the size of \(T\). Base: If \(T\) consists of only \(1\) element, then this element is \(0\) or \(\pm 1\), so \(\det T \in \{ 0, \pm 1\} \). Step: Let \(T\) have size \(t\) and suppose all square submatrices of \(B'\) of size \(\leq t - 1\) are TU.

  • Suppose \(T\) contains no rows of \(X_{1}\). Then \(T\) is a submatrix of \(\left[D' \mid A_{2}' \right]\), so \(\det T \in \{ 0, \pm 1\} \).

  • Suppose \(T\) contains no rows of \(X_{2}\). Then \(T\) is a submatrix of \(\left[A_{1}' \mid 0 \right]\), so \(\det T \in \{ 0, \pm 1\} \).

  • Suppose \(T\) contains no columns of \(Y_{1}\). Then \(T\) is a submatrix of \(\left[0 / A_{2}' \right]\), so \(\det T \in \{ 0, \pm 1\} \).

  • Suppose \(T\) contains no columns of \(Y_{2}\). Then \(T\) is a submatrix of \(\left[ A_{1}' / D' \right]\), so \(\det T \in \{ 0, \pm 1\} \).

  • Remaining case: \(T\) contains rows of \(X_{1}\) and \(X_{2}\) and columns of \(Y_{1}\) and \(Y_{2}\).

  • If \(T\) is \(2 \times 2\), then \(T\) is TU. Indeed, all proper submatrices of \(T\) are of size \(\leq 1\), which are \(\{ 0, \pm 1\} \) entries of \(A'\), and \(T\) contains a zero entry (in the row of \(X_{2}\) and column of \(Y_{2}\)), so it cannot be a minimal violation matrix by Lemma 16. Thus, assume \(T\) has size \(\geq 3\).

  • . todo: complete proof, see last paragraph of Lemma 11.2.1 in Truemper

Theorem 34 \(2\)-sum of regular matroids is a regular matroid

Let \(M_{1}\) and \(M_{2}\) be regular matroids. Then \(M = M_{1} \oplus _{2} M_{2}\) is a regular matroid.

Proof sketch

Let \(B\), \(B_{1}\), and \(B_{2}\) be the representation matrices of \(M\), \(M_{1}\), and \(M_{2}\), respectively. Apply Lemma 33.

Lemma 35 left summand of regular \(2\)-sum is regular

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Lemma 36 right summand of regular \(2\)-sum is regular

todo: add

1.4.3 \(3\)-Sums

Definition 37 \(3\)-sum of matrices

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Definition 38 matroid \(3\)-sum

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Theorem 39 \(3\)-sum of regular matroids is regular

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Lemma 40 left summand of regular \(3\)-sum is regular

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Lemma 41 right summand of regular \(3\)-sum is regular

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