

This file contains everything about 3-sum of binary matroids.

@[reducible, inline]
noncomputable abbrev Matrix_3sumComposition {α : Type u_1} {β : Type u_2} [CommRing β] {X₁ : Set α} {Y₁ : Set α} {X₂ : Set α} {Y₂ : Set α} (A₁ : Matrix (↑X₁) (Y₁ Fin 2) β) (A₂ : Matrix (Fin 2 X₂) (↑Y₂) β) (z₁ : Y₁β) (z₂ : X₂β) (D : Matrix (Fin 2) (Fin 2) β) (D₁ : Matrix (Fin 2) (↑Y₁) β) (D₂ : Matrix (↑X₂) (Fin 2) β) :
Matrix ((X₁ Unit) Fin 2 X₂) ((Y₁ Fin 2) Unit Y₂) β

Matrix-level 3-sum for matroids defined by their standard representation matrices; does not check legitimacy.

  • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
    noncomputable def StandardRepresentation_3sum {α : Type u_1} [DecidableEq α] {M₁ : StandardRepresentation α} {M₂ : StandardRepresentation α} {x₁ : α} {x₂ : α} {x₃ : α} {y₁ : α} {y₂ : α} {y₃ : α} (hXX : M₁.X M₂.X = x₁ x₂ {x₃}) (hYY : M₁.Y M₂.Y = y₁ y₂ {y₃}) (hXY : M₁.X M₂.Y) (hYX : M₁.Y M₂.X) :

    StandardRepresentation-level 3-sum of two matroids. The second part checks legitimacy (invertibility of a certain 2x2 submatrix and specific 1s and 0s on concrete positions).

    • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
    Instances For

      Binary matroid M is a result of 3-summing M₁ and M₂ in some way.

      • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
      Instances For
        theorem StandardRepresentation.Is3sumOf.interXX {α : Type u_1} [DecidableEq α] {M₁ : StandardRepresentation α} {M₂ : StandardRepresentation α} {M : StandardRepresentation α} (hM : M.Is3sumOf M₁ M₂) :
        ∃ (x₁ : α) (x₂ : α) (x₃ : α), M₁.X M₂.X = x₁ x₂ {x₃}
        theorem StandardRepresentation.Is3sumOf.interYY {α : Type u_1} [DecidableEq α] {M₁ : StandardRepresentation α} {M₂ : StandardRepresentation α} {M : StandardRepresentation α} (hM : M.Is3sumOf M₁ M₂) :
        ∃ (y₁ : α) (y₂ : α) (y₃ : α), M₁.Y M₂.Y = y₁ y₂ {y₃}
        theorem StandardRepresentation.Is3sumOf.disjoXY {α : Type u_1} [DecidableEq α] {M₁ : StandardRepresentation α} {M₂ : StandardRepresentation α} {M : StandardRepresentation α} (hM : M.Is3sumOf M₁ M₂) :
        M₁.X M₂.Y
        theorem StandardRepresentation.Is3sumOf.disjoYX {α : Type u_1} [DecidableEq α] {M₁ : StandardRepresentation α} {M₂ : StandardRepresentation α} {M : StandardRepresentation α} (hM : M.Is3sumOf M₁ M₂) :
        M₁.Y M₂.X
        theorem StandardRepresentation.Is3sumOf.indep {α : Type u_1} [DecidableEq α] {M₁ : StandardRepresentation α} {M₂ : StandardRepresentation α} {M : StandardRepresentation α} (hM : M.Is3sumOf M₁ M₂) :
        ∃ (x₁ : α) (x₂ : α) (x₃ : α) (y₁ : α) (y₂ : α) (y₃ : α) (x₁inX₁ : x₁ M₁.X) (x₂inX₁ : x₂ M₁.X) (x₂inX₂ : x₂ M₂.X) (x₃inX₁ : x₃ M₁.X) (x₃inX₂ : x₃ M₂.X) (y₃inY₂ : y₃ M₂.Y) (y₂inY₁ : y₂ M₁.Y) (y₂inY₂ : y₂ M₂.Y) (y₁inY₁ : y₁ M₁.Y) (y₁inY₂ : y₁ M₂.Y), let A₁ := Matrix.of fun (i : (M₁.X \ (x₁ x₂ {x₃}))) (j : (M₁.Y \ (y₁ y₂ {y₃})) Fin 2) => M₁.B i, (Sum.casesOn j (fun (j' : (M₁.Y \ (y₁ y₂ {y₃}))) => j', ) ![y₂, y₂inY₁, y₁, y₁inY₁]); let A₂ := Matrix.of fun (i : Fin 2 (M₂.X \ (x₁ x₂ {x₃}))) (j : (M₂.Y \ (y₁ y₂ {y₃}))) => M₂.B (Sum.casesOn i ![x₂, x₂inX₂, x₃, x₃inX₂] fun (i' : (M₂.X \ (x₁ x₂ {x₃}))) => i', ) j, ; let z₁ := fun (j : (M₁.Y \ (y₁ y₂ {y₃}))) => M₁.B x₁, x₁inX₁ j, ; let z₂ := fun (i : (M₂.X \ (x₁ x₂ {x₃}))) => M₂.B i, y₃, y₃inY₂; let D_₁ := Matrix.of fun (i j : Fin 2) => M₁.B (![x₂, x₂inX₁, x₃, x₃inX₁] i) (![y₂, y₂inY₁, y₁, y₁inY₁] j); let D₁ := Matrix.of fun (i : Fin 2) (j : (M₁.Y \ (y₁ y₂ {y₃}))) => M₁.B (![x₂, x₂inX₁, x₃, x₃inX₁] i) j, ; let D₂ := Matrix.of fun (i : (M₂.X \ (x₁ x₂ {x₃}))) (j : Fin 2) => M₂.B i, (![y₂, y₂inY₂, y₁, y₁inY₂] j); (Matrix.of fun (i : (M₁.X \ (x₁ x₂ {x₃}) M₂.X)) (j : (M₁.Y M₂.Y \ (y₁ y₂ {y₃}))) => Matrix_3sumComposition A₁ A₂ z₁ z₂ D_₁ D₁ D₂ (if hi₁ : i M₁.X \ (x₁ x₂ {x₃}) then Sum.inl (Sum.inl i, hi₁) else if hi₂ : i M₂.X \ (x₁ x₂ {x₃}) then Sum.inr (Sum.inr i, hi₂) else if hx₁ : i = x₁ then Sum.inl (Sum.inr ()) else if hx₂ : i = x₂ then Sum.inr (Sum.inl 0) else if hx₃ : i = x₃ then Sum.inr (Sum.inl 1) else .elim) (if hj₁ : j M₁.Y \ (y₁ y₂ {y₃}) then Sum.inl (Sum.inl j, hj₁) else if hj₂ : j M₂.Y \ (y₁ y₂ {y₃}) then Sum.inr (Sum.inr j, hj₂) else if hy₁ : j = y₁ then Sum.inl (Sum.inr 1) else if hy₂ : j = y₂ then Sum.inl (Sum.inr 0) else if hy₃ : j = y₃ then Sum.inr (Sum.inl ()) else .elim)).IndepCols = M.toMatroid.Indep
        theorem StandardRepresentation.Is3sumOf.isRegular {α : Type u_1} [DecidableEq α] {M₁ : StandardRepresentation α} {M₂ : StandardRepresentation α} {M : StandardRepresentation α} [Fintype M₁.X] [Fintype M₁.Y] [Fintype M₂.X] [Fintype M₂.Y] (hM : M.Is3sumOf M₁ M₂) (hM₁ : M₁.IsRegular) (hM₂ : M₂.IsRegular) :

        Any 3-sum of regular matroids is a regular matroid. This is the last of the three parts of the easy direction of the Seymour's theorem.

        theorem StandardRepresentation.Is3sumOf.isRegular_left {α : Type u_1} [DecidableEq α] {M₁ : StandardRepresentation α} {M₂ : StandardRepresentation α} {M : StandardRepresentation α} (hMsum : M.Is3sumOf M₁ M₂) (hMreg : M.IsRegular) :

        If a regular matroid is a 3-sum, then the left summand of the 3-sum is regular.

        theorem StandardRepresentation.Is3sumOf.isRegular_right {α : Type u_1} [DecidableEq α] {M₁ : StandardRepresentation α} {M₂ : StandardRepresentation α} {M : StandardRepresentation α} (hMsum : M.Is3sumOf M₁ M₂) (hMreg : M.IsRegular) :

        If a regular matroid is a 3-sum, then the right summand of the 3-sum is regular.