

This file defines binary matroids and regular matroids. Basic API is provided.

structure StandardRepresentation (α : Type u_1) [DecidableEq α] :
Type u_1

Data describing a binary matroid on the ground set XY where X and Y are bundled.

  • X : Set α

    Basis elements -> row indices of [1 | B]

  • Y : Set α

    Nonbasis elements -> column indices of B

  • decmemX : (a : α) → Decidable (a self.X)

    Necessary decidability

  • decmemY : (a : α) → Decidable (a self.Y)

    Necessary decidability

  • hXY : self.X self.Y

    Basis and nonbasis elements are disjoint

  • B : Matrix (↑self.X) (↑self.Y) Z2

    The standard representation matrix

Instances For
    theorem StandardRepresentation.hXY {α : Type u_1} [DecidableEq α] (self : StandardRepresentation α) :
    self.X self.Y

    Basis and nonbasis elements are disjoint

    def Matrix.IndepCols {α : Type u_1} [DecidableEq α] {X : Set α} {Y : Set α} [(a : α) → Decidable (a X)] [(a : α) → Decidable (a Y)] (B : Matrix (↑X) (↑Y) Z2) (S : Set α) :

    Given matrix B, is the set of columns S in the (standard) representation [1 | B] Z2-independent?

    Instances For
      theorem Matrix.IndepCols_empty {α : Type u_1} [DecidableEq α] {X : Set α} {Y : Set α} [(a : α) → Decidable (a X)] [(a : α) → Decidable (a Y)] {B : Matrix (↑X) (↑Y) Z2} :

      The empty set of columns is linearly independent.

      theorem Matrix.IndepCols_subset {α : Type u_1} [DecidableEq α] {X : Set α} {Y : Set α} [(a : α) → Decidable (a X)] [(a : α) → Decidable (a Y)] {B : Matrix (↑X) (↑Y) Z2} (I : Set α) (J : Set α) (hBJ : B.IndepCols J) (hIJ : I J) :
      B.IndepCols I

      A subset of a linearly independent set of columns is linearly independent.

      theorem Matrix.IndepCols_augment {α : Type u_1} [DecidableEq α] {X : Set α} {Y : Set α} [(a : α) → Decidable (a X)] [(a : α) → Decidable (a Y)] {B : Matrix (↑X) (↑Y) Z2} (I : Set α) (J : Set α) (hBI : B.IndepCols I) (hBI' : ¬Maximal B.IndepCols I) (hBJ : Maximal B.IndepCols J) :
      xJ \ I, B.IndepCols (x I)

      A nonmaximal linearly independent set of columns can be augmented with another linearly independent column.

      theorem Matrix.IndepCols_maximal {α : Type u_1} [DecidableEq α] {X : Set α} {Y : Set α} [(a : α) → Decidable (a X)] [(a : α) → Decidable (a Y)] {B : Matrix (↑X) (↑Y) Z2} (S : Set α) :

      Any set of columns has the maximal subset property.

      def Matrix.toIndepMatroid {α : Type u_1} [DecidableEq α] {X : Set α} {Y : Set α} [(a : α) → Decidable (a X)] [(a : α) → Decidable (a Y)] (B : Matrix (↑X) (↑Y) Z2) :

      Binary matroid generated by its standard representation matrix, expressed as IndepMatroid.

      • B.toIndepMatroid = { E := X Y, Indep := B.IndepCols, indep_empty := , indep_subset := , indep_aug := , indep_maximal := , subset_ground := }
      Instances For
        def Matrix.toMatroid {α : Type u_1} [DecidableEq α] {X : Set α} {Y : Set α} [(a : α) → Decidable (a X)] [(a : α) → Decidable (a Y)] (B : Matrix (↑X) (↑Y) Z2) :

        Binary matroid generated by its standard representation matrix, expressed as Matroid.

        • B.toMatroid = B.toIndepMatroid.matroid
        Instances For

          Convert StandardRepresentation to Matroid.

          • M.toMatroid = M.B.toMatroid
          Instances For
            theorem StandardRepresentation.E_eq {α : Type u_1} [DecidableEq α] (M : StandardRepresentation α) :
            M.toMatroid.E = M.X M.Y
            theorem StandardRepresentation.indep_eq {α : Type u_1} [DecidableEq α] (M : StandardRepresentation α) :
            M.toMatroid.Indep = M.B.IndepCols

            Registered conversion from StandardRepresentation to Matroid.

            • instCoeStandardRepresentationMatroid = { coe := StandardRepresentation.toMatroid }

            The binary matroid is regular iff the standard representation matrix has a totally unimodular signing.

            • M.IsRegular = ∃ (B' : Matrix M.X M.Y ), B'.TU ∀ (i : M.X) (j : M.Y), if M.B i j = 0 then B' i j = 0 else B' i j = 1 B' i j = -1
            Instances For
              theorem StandardRepresentation.isRegular_iff {α : Type u_1} [DecidableEq α] (M : StandardRepresentation α) :
              M.IsRegular ∃ (B' : Matrix M.X M.Y ), (Matrix.fromColumns 1 B').TU ∀ (i : M.X) (j : M.Y), if M.B i j = 0 then B' i j = 0 else B' i j = 1 B' i j = -1

              The binary matroid is regular iff the entire matrix has a totally unimodular signing.

              theorem StandardRepresentation_toMatroid_isRegular_iff {α : Type u_1} [DecidableEq α] {M₁ : StandardRepresentation α} {M₂ : StandardRepresentation α} (hM : M₁.toMatroid = M₂.toMatroid) :
              M₁.IsRegular M₂.IsRegular