Shorthand for union of sets in ValidXFamily
- F.union = Set.iUnion F.F
Instances For
A matroid defined by circuit conditions.
- E : Set α
The ground set
The circuit predicate
Empty set is not a circuit
No circuit is a subset of another circuit
- circuit_c3 : ∀ ⦃X C : Set α⦄ (F : ValidXFamily self.CircuitPred C X), ∀ z ∈ C \ F.union, ∃ (C' : Set α), self.CircuitPred C' ∧ z ∈ C' ∧ C' ⊆ (C ∪ F.union) \ X
Condition (C3) from Bruhn et al.
- circuit_maximal : ∀ X ⊆ self.E, Matroid.ExistsMaximalSubsetProperty (CircPredToIndep self.CircuitPred self.E) X
Corresponding family of independent sets satisfies has the maximal subset property
Every circuit is a subset of the ground set
Instances For
Empty set is not a circuit
No circuit is a subset of another circuit
Corresponding family of independent sets satisfies has the maximal subset property
Every circuit is a subset of the ground set
Independence predicate in circuit matroid construction.
- M.isIndep = CircPredToIndep M.CircuitPred M.E
Instances For
Empty set is independent in circuit matroid construction.
Subset of independent set is independent in circuit matroid construction.
corresponding to circuit matroid.
- M.IndepMatroid = { E := M.E, Indep := M.isIndep, indep_empty := ⋯, indep_subset := ⋯, indep_aug := ⋯, indep_maximal := ⋯, subset_ground := ⋯ }