

This file provides notation used in the project and conversions between set-theoretical and type-theoretical definitions.

@[reducible, inline]
abbrev Z2 :

The finite field on two elements; write Z2 for "value" type but Fin 2 for "indexing" type.

Instances For

    Roughly speaking a ᕃ A is A ∪ {a}.

    Instances For

      Writing X ⫗ Y is slightly more general than writing X ∩ Y = ∅.

      Instances For
        def HasSubset.Subset.elem {α : Type u_1} {X : Set α} {Y : Set α} (hXY : X Y) (x : X) :

        Given X ⊆ Y cast an element of X as an element of Y.

        • hXY.elem x = x,
        Instances For
          def Subtype.toSum {α : Type u_1} {X : Set α} {Y : Set α} [(a : α) → Decidable (a X)] [(a : α) → Decidable (a Y)] (i : (X Y)) :
          X Y

          Convert (X ∪ Y).Elem to X.Elem ⊕ Y.Elem.

          Instances For
            def Sum.toUnion {α : Type u_1} {X : Set α} {Y : Set α} (i : X Y) :
            (X Y)

            Convert X.Elem ⊕ Y.Elem to (X ∪ Y).Elem.

            Instances For
              theorem toSum_toUnion {α : Type u_1} {X : Set α} {Y : Set α} [(a : α) → Decidable (a X)] [(a : α) → Decidable (a Y)] (i : (X Y)) :
              (Subtype.toSum i).toUnion = i

              Converting (X ∪ Y).Elem to X.Elem ⊕ Y.Elem and back to (X ∪ Y).Elem gives the original element.

              theorem toUnion_toSum {α : Type u_1} {X : Set α} {Y : Set α} [(a : α) → Decidable (a X)] [(a : α) → Decidable (a Y)] (hXY : X Y) (i : X Y) :
              Subtype.toSum i.toUnion = i

              Converting X.Elem ⊕ Y.Elem to (X ∪ Y).Elem and back to X.Elem ⊕ Y.Elem gives the original element, assuming that X and Y are disjoint.

              def Matrix.toMatrixUnionUnion {α : Type u_1} {T₁ : Set α} {T₂ : Set α} {S₁ : Set α} {S₂ : Set α} {β : Type u_2} [(a : α) → Decidable (a T₁)] [(a : α) → Decidable (a T₂)] [(a : α) → Decidable (a S₁)] [(a : α) → Decidable (a S₂)] (C : Matrix (T₁ T₂) (S₁ S₂) β) :
              Matrix (↑(T₁ T₂)) (↑(S₁ S₂)) β

              Convert a block matrix to a matrix over set unions.

              • C.toMatrixUnionUnion x = (C Subtype.toSum) x Subtype.toSum
              Instances For
                def Matrix.toMatrixSumSum {α : Type u_1} {T₁ : Set α} {T₂ : Set α} {S₁ : Set α} {S₂ : Set α} {β : Type u_2} (C : Matrix (↑(T₁ T₂)) (↑(S₁ S₂)) β) :
                Matrix (T₁ T₂) (S₁ S₂) β

                Convert a matrix over set unions to a block matrix.

                • C.toMatrixSumSum x = (C Sum.toUnion) x Sum.toUnion
                Instances For
                  theorem toMatrixUnionUnion_toMatrixSumSum {α : Type u_1} {T₁ : Set α} {T₂ : Set α} {S₁ : Set α} {S₂ : Set α} {β : Type u_2} [(a : α) → Decidable (a T₁)] [(a : α) → Decidable (a T₂)] [(a : α) → Decidable (a S₁)] [(a : α) → Decidable (a S₂)] (hT : T₁ T₂) (hS : S₁ S₂) (C : Matrix (T₁ T₂) (S₁ S₂) β) :
                  C.toMatrixUnionUnion.toMatrixSumSum = C

                  Converting a block matrix to a matrix over set unions and back to a block matrix gives the original matrix, assuming that both said unions are disjoint.

                  theorem toMatrixSumSum_toMatrixUnionUnion {α : Type u_1} {T₁ : Set α} {T₂ : Set α} {S₁ : Set α} {S₂ : Set α} {β : Type u_2} [(a : α) → Decidable (a T₁)] [(a : α) → Decidable (a T₂)] [(a : α) → Decidable (a S₁)] [(a : α) → Decidable (a S₂)] (C : Matrix (↑(T₁ T₂)) (↑(S₁ S₂)) β) :
                  C.toMatrixSumSum.toMatrixUnionUnion = C

                  Converting a matrix over set unions to a block matrix and back to a matrix over set unions gives the original matrix.

                  theorem Matrix.TU.toMatrixUnionUnion {α : Type u_1} {T₁ : Set α} {T₂ : Set α} {S₁ : Set α} {S₂ : Set α} [(a : α) → Decidable (a T₁)] [(a : α) → Decidable (a T₂)] [(a : α) → Decidable (a S₁)] [(a : α) → Decidable (a S₂)] {C : Matrix (T₁ T₂) (S₁ S₂) } (hC : C.TU) :

                  A totally unimodular block matrix stays totally unimodular after converting to a matrix over set unions.